Minor IUXD 2020 - 2021

In the first phase of our project, we delved deep into the challenge by gathering insights through research. To deliver a product which fits with the target audience, we have researched how teens spend their free time, their reading behaviour, their wishes and needs regarding reading. We have done this through deskresearch, interviews with the target audience and social media research.
The context
Using the guidelines, we came up with 3 different concepts that each tackle the challenge in a different way.
Case Study Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Concept 1
A reading and listening app which encourages teens to read by implementing gamification elements. Users can earn points by reading and earning achievements and spend these points on customizing their profile.
Concept 2
An app for reading short stories and bite-sized excerpts. Users can specify the length of the stories and the subjects they are interested in. The app will notify users for however often the user wants for new stories and excerpts that they can read.
Concept 3
An improved version of the library app which includes a design overhaul and new features. This concept focuses on connecting users by adding social elements like multiplayer reading and split-books which lets users read personalized books.
“How can we make reading more appealing and modern for teens?”
As the world becomes more digital and new forms of entertainment spring up frequently, teenagers have started reading less and less books. Different forms of consuming books on the other hand, such as audiobooks, have started to get more popular.
During the minor Interface & User Experience Design we have worked on a project for the Koninklijke Bibliotheek to deliver a concept for an app which will get teens between 12 to 15 years old reading again.
The challenge

We worked together with the Koninklijke Bibliotheek during the minor to map out the relevant stakeholders for this project. During the project, we frequently held meetings and presentations to keep the product owners updated and to receive feedback.
Who did we work with?
Social interactions with other people can play a big role in building a positive reading attitude and motivating teens to read.
Social interactions

After not reading for a while, a book becomes hard to pick up again. People usually have to reread parts of the book again before remembering where they left. This can result into the person not being motivated enough to continue reading and feeling like they'd rather do something else.
Books are hard to pick up

Visual style guide
Reading can be a time-consuming endeavor, so people might not always have the time to read every day. This might cause them to lose track of what they have read in their previous reading session. This is why we implemented the recap feature. This feature allows the user to read a recap of the content they’ve read in a previous reading session after they haven't read in a while. This way they can easily pick up their book and continue reading, even after a break.
Last but not least, people want more and more personalisation. Therefore, it would be very convenient for our users to get personalised recommendations based on their interests and preferences.
One of many things about reading a digital book is that people can do it where- and whenever they like. This made us think about the accessibility of the app and how to make this the best experience possible. This is why the flip feature has been introduced. The flip is fairly simple: it turns a reading experience into a listening experience and back at the push of a button. This way the user can go about their day and easily continue their favorite book on the go.
One of many useful things about reading a digital book is that people can do it where- and whenever they like. This made us think about the accessibility of the app and how to make this the best experience possible. This is why the flip feature has been introduced. The flip is fairly simple: it turns a reading experience into a listening experience and back at the push of a button. This way the user can go about their day and easily continue their favorite book on the go.
To gather feedback on our prototype and to make sure the implemented features are clear for users, usability tests were carried out. A card sorting test was also conducted to gather insights on the sitemap. The test subjects were a combination of our target audience and colleagues from the minor.
Using the results from the card sorting test the sitemap was changed to fit more to the expectations of users. Usability tests revealed the usage some functionalities were not clear, this was improved on by changing the layout around and adding labels to certain icons.

Teenagers these days are busy and would rather do other (easier and/or simpler) things
Busy daily lives

Teenagers consume media differently now thanks to the large quantity of bite-sized information that they see thanks to social media.
Changing media consumption

Design guidelines
With the results of the different forms of research, a persona and a ‘day in the life’ of a user have been made. All the important information has been turned into insight cards. These insights have been used to set up design guidelines for concepting.
The concept needs to be as accessible as possible
The concept needs to be engaging to make reading more fun
Reading environment
The concept needs to help create a positieve reading environment
Encourage reading
The concept needs to encourage teens to read
Reading attitude
The concept needs to contribute to building a positive reading attitude
The following four insights are the most important ones:
The following design guidelines are the most important ones:
Prototype V2
Prototype V1
After thinking about what our target audience needed, we took a closer look at the strengths of our 3 concepts. We decided to take these strengths and combine them into one concept.
Our final concept is called ‘Flip’. Flip is a library app made for teens to read e-books and listen to audiobooks. The app has a focus on being accessible for teens by being easy to pick up, even if you haven't read in a while and also by fitting into the daily lives of teenagers easily.
You can click the button below to check the full Adobe XD prototype yourself.
The concept
Poppins Bold
Poppins SemiBold
Poppins Medium
Poppins Regular
For the visual style, we wanted the app to be both playful, to make it appealing to our younger target audience, and not too childish to avoid scaring people away. We had to keep this in mind while choosing fitting colors, fonts and make a good logo.
For the colors, we have chosen a few with a friendly appearance.


Credits illustrations: Maria Shukshina
A special thanks to:
Bruce Moerdjiman, Ted van der Togt, Eran Sloof and the employees of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek

In the first phase of our project, we delved deep into the challenge by gathering insights through research. To deliver a product which fits with the target audience, we have researched how teens spend their free time, their reading behaviour, their wishes and needs regarding reading. We have done this through deskresearch, interviews with the target audience and social media research.
The context
Using the guidelines, we came up with 3 different concepts that each tackle the challenge in a different way.
Minor IUXD 2020 - 2021
Case Study Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Concept 1
A reading and listening app which encourages teens to read by implementing gamification elements. Users can earn points by reading and earning achievements and spend these points on customizing their profile.
Concept 2
An app for reading short stories and bite-sized excerpts. Users can specify the length of the stories and the subjects they are interested in. The app will notify users for however often the user wants for new stories and excerpts that they can read.
Concept 3
An improved version of the library app which includes a design overhaul and new features. This concept focuses on connecting users by adding social elements like multiplayer reading and split-books which lets users read personalized books.

We worked together with the Koninklijke Bibliotheek during the minor to map out the relevant stakeholders for this project. During the project, we frequently held meetings and presentations to keep the product owners updated and to receive feedback.
Who did we work with?
Reading can be a time-consuming endeavor, so people might not always have the time to read every day. This might cause them to lose track of what they have read in their previous reading session. This is why we implemented the recap feature. This feature allows the user to read a recap of the content they’ve read in a previous reading session after they haven't read in a while. This way they can easily pick up their book and continue reading, even after a break.
Last but not least, people want more and more personalisation. Therefore, it would be very convenient for our users to get personalised recommendations based on their interests and preferences.
To gather feedback on our prototype and to make sure the implemented features are clear for users, usability tests were carried out. A card sorting test was also conducted to gather insights on the sitemap. The test subjects were a combination of our target audience and colleagues from the minor.
Using the results from the card sorting test the sitemap was changed to fit more to the expectations of users. Usability tests revealed the usage some functionalities were not clear, this was improved on by changing the layout around and adding labels to certain icons.
One of many things about reading a digital book is that people can do it where- and whenever they like. This made us think about the accessibility of the app and how to make this the best experience possible. This is why the flip feature has been introduced. The flip is fairly simple: it turns a reading experience into a listening experience and back at the push of a button. This way the user can go about their day and easily continue their favorite book on the go.
One of many useful things about reading a digital book is that people can do it where- and whenever they like. This made us think about the accessibility of the app and how to make this the best experience possible. This is why the flip feature has been introduced. The flip is fairly simple: it turns a reading experience into a listening experience and back at the push of a button. This way the user can go about their day and easily continue their favorite book on the go.

Design guidelines
With the results of the different forms of research, a persona and a ‘day in the life’ of a user have been made. All the important information has been turned into insight cards. These insights have been used to set up design guidelines for concepting.
The concept needs to be as accessible as possible
Encourage reading
The concept needs to encourage teens to read
The concept needs to be engaging to make reading more fun
Reading environment
The concept needs to help create a positieve reading environment
Reading attitude
The concept needs to contribute to building a positive reading attitude
The following design guidelines are the most important ones:

Prototype V1
After thinking about what our target audience needed, we took a closer look at the strengths of our 3 concepts. We decided to take these strengths and combine them into one concept.
Our final concept is called ‘Flip’. Flip is a library app made for teens to read e-books and listen to audiobooks. The app has a focus on being accessible for teens by being easy to pick up, even if you haven't read in a while and also by fitting into the daily lives of teenagers easily.
You can click the button below to check the full Adobe XD prototype yourself.
The concept
Visual style guide
For the visual style, we wanted the app to be both playful, to make it appealing to our younger target audience, and not too childish to avoid scaring people away. We had to keep this in mind while choosing fitting colors, fonts and make a good logo. For the colors, we have chosen a few with a friendly appearance.

Poppins Bold
Poppins SemiBold
Poppins Medium
Poppins Regular
“How can we make reading more appealing and modern for teens?”
As the world becomes more digital and new forms of entertainment spring up frequently, teenagers have started reading less and less books. Different forms of consuming books on the other hand, such as audiobooks, have started to get more popular.
During the minor Interface & User Experience Design we have worked on a project for the Koninklijke Bibliotheek to deliver a concept for an app which will get teens between 12 to 15 years old reading again.
The challenge

The following four insights are the most important ones:
Social interactions with other people can play a big role in building a positive reading attitude and motivating teens to read.
Social interactions

After not reading for a while, a book becomes hard to pick up again. People usually have to reread parts of the book again before remembering where they left. This can result into the person not being motivated enough to continue reading and feeling like they'd rather do something else.
Books are hard to pick up

Teenagers consume media differently now thanks to the large quantity of bite-sized information that they see thanks to social media.
Media consumption

Teenagers these days are busy and would rather do other (easier and/or simpler) things
Busy daily lives

Credits illustrations: Maria Shukshina
A special thanks to:
Bruce Moerdjiman, Ted van der Togt, Eran Sloof and the employees of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek

Case Study Koninklijke Bibliotheek

In the first phase of our project, we delved deep into the challenge by gathering insights through research. To deliver a product which fits with the target audience, we have researched how teens spend their free time, their reading behaviour, their wishes and needs regarding reading. We have done this through deskresearch, interviews with the target audience and social media research.
Visual style guide
Reading can be a time-consuming endeavor, so people might not always have the time to read every day. This might cause them to lose track of what they have read in their previous reading session. This is why we implemented the recap feature. This feature allows the user to read a recap of the content they’ve read in a previous reading session after they haven't read in a while. This way they can easily pick up their book and continue reading, even after a break.
Last but not least, people want more and more personalisation. Therefore, it would be very convenient for our users to get personalised recommendations based on their interests and preferences.
With the results of the different forms of research, a persona and a ‘day in the life’ of a user have been made. All the important information has been turned into insight cards. These insights have been used to set up design guidelines for concepting.
The following four insights are the most important ones:
Prototype V1
Our final concept is called ‘Flip’. Flip is a library app made for teens to read e-books and listen to audiobooks. The app has a focus on being accessible for teens by being easy to pick up, even if you haven't read in a while and also by fitting into the daily lives of teenagers easily.
You can click the button below to check the full Adobe XD prototype yourself.
The concept
For the visual style, we wanted the app to be both playful, to make it appealing to our younger target audience, and not too childish to avoid scaring people away. We had to keep this in mind while choosing fitting colors, fonts and make a good logo.
For the colors, we have chosen a few with a friendly appearance.

Minor IUXD 2020 - 2021

The context

“How can we make reading more appealing and modern for teens?”
As the world becomes more digital and new forms of entertainment spring up frequently, teenagers have started reading less and less books. Different forms of consuming books on the other hand, such as audiobooks, have started to get more popular.
During the minor Interface & User Experience Design we have worked on a project for the Koninklijke Bibliotheek to deliver a concept for an app which will get teens between 12 to 15 years old reading again.
The challenge
Who did we work with?
We worked together with the Koninklijke Bibliotheek during the minor to map out the relevant stakeholders for this project. During the project, we frequently held meetings and presentations to keep the product owners updated and to receive feedback.
Teenagers these days are busy and would rather do other (easier and/or simpler) things
Busy daily lives

Social interactions with other people can play a big role in building a positive reading attitude and motivating teens to read.
Social interactions

After not reading for a while, a book becomes hard to pick up again. People usually have to reread parts of the book again before remembering where they left. This can result into the person not being motivated enough to continue reading and feeling like they'd rather do something else.
Books are hard to pick up

Teenagers consume media differently now thanks to the large quantity of bite-sized information that they see thanks to social media.
Changing media consumption

Design guidelines
Concept 3
Using the guidelines, we came up with 3 different concepts that each tackle the challenge in a different way.
Concept 1
A reading and listening app which encourages teens to read by implementing gamification elements. Users can earn points by reading and earning achievements and spend these points on customizing their profile.
Concept 2
An app for reading short stories and bite-sized excerpts. Users can specify the length of the stories and the subjects they are interested in. The app will notify users for however often the user wants for new stories and excerpts that they can read.
After thinking about what our target audience needed, we took a closer look at the strengths of our 3 concepts. We decided to take these strengths and combine them into one concept.
An improved version of the library app which includes a design overhaul and new features. This concept focuses on connecting users by adding social elements like multiplayer reading and split-books which lets users read personalized books.
The concept needs to be as accessible as possible
Encourage reading
The concept needs to encourage teens to read
The following design guidelines are the most important ones:
Reading attitude
The concept needs to contribute to building a positive reading attitude
The concept needs to be engaging to make reading more fun
Reading environment
The concept needs to help create a positieve reading environment

One of many things about reading a digital book is that people can do it where- and whenever they like. This made us think about the accessibility of the app and how to make this the best experience possible. This is why the flip feature has been introduced. The flip is fairly simple: it turns a reading experience into a listening experience and back at the push of a button. This way the user can go about their day and easily continue their favorite book on the go.

One of many useful things about reading a digital book is that people can do it where- and whenever they like. This made us think about the accessibility of the app and how to make this the best experience possible. This is why the flip feature has been introduced. The flip is fairly simple: it turns a reading experience into a listening experience and back at the push of a button. This way the user can go about their day and easily continue their favorite book on the go.
Poppins Bold
Poppins SemiBold
Poppins Medium
Poppins Regular

To gather feedback on our prototype and to make sure the implemented features are clear for users, usability tests were carried out. A card sorting test was also conducted to gather insights on the sitemap. The test subjects were a combination of our target audience and colleagues from the minor.
Using the results from the card sorting test the sitemap was changed to fit more to the expectations of users. Usability tests revealed the usage some functionalities were not clear, this was improved on by changing the layout around and adding labels to certain icons.
Prototype V2
Credits illustrations: Maria Shukshina
A special thanks to:
Bruce Moerdjiman, Ted van der Togt, Eran Sloof and the employees of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek

In the first phase of our project, we delved deep into the challenge by gathering insights through research. To deliver a product which fits with the target audience, we have researched how teens spend their free time, their reading behaviour, their wishes and needs regarding reading. We have done this through deskresearch, interviews with the target audience and social media research.
Reading can be a time-consuming endeavor, so people might not always have the time to read every day. This might cause them to lose track of what they have read in their previous reading session. This is why we implemented the recap feature. This feature allows the user to read a recap of the content they’ve read in a previous reading session after they haven't read in a while. This way they can easily pick up their book and continue reading, even after a break.
Last but not least, people want more and more personalisation. Therefore, it would be very convenient for our users to get personalised recommendations based on their interests and preferences.
To gather feedback on our prototype and to make sure the implemented features are clear for users, usability tests were carried out. A card sorting test was also conducted to gather insights on the sitemap. The test subjects were a combination of our target audience and colleagues from the minor.
Using the results from the card sorting test the sitemap was changed to fit more to the expectations of users. Usability tests revealed the usage some functionalities were not clear, this was improved on by changing the layout around and adding labels to certain icons.
The following four insights are
the most important ones:
Prototype V1
Our final concept is called ‘Flip’. Flip is a library app made for teens to read e-books and listen to audiobooks. The app has a focus on being accessible for teens by being easy to pick up, even if you haven't read in a while and also by fitting into the daily lives of teenagers easily.
You can click the button below to check the full Adobe XD prototype yourself.
The concept
Visual style guide
For the visual style, we wanted the app to be both playful, to make it appealing to our younger target audience, and not too childish to avoid scaring people away. We had to keep this in mind while choosing fitting colors, fonts and make a good logo.
For the colors, we have chosen a few with a friendly appearance.

Case Study
Minor IUXD 2020 - 2021

The context

“How can we make reading more appealing and modern for teens?”
As the world becomes more digital and new forms of entertainment spring up frequently, teenagers have started reading less and less books. Different forms of consuming books on the other hand, such as audiobooks, have started to get more popular.
During the minor Interface & User Experience Design we have worked on a project for the Koninklijke Bibliotheek to deliver a concept for an app which will get teens between 12 to 15 years old reading again.
The challenge
Who did we work with?
We worked together with the Koninklijke Bibliotheek during the minor to map out the relevant stakeholders for this project. During the project, we frequently held meetings and presentations to keep the product owners updated and to receive feedback.
Teenagers these days are busy and would rather do other (easier and/or simpler) things
Busy daily lives

After not reading for a while, a book becomes hard to pick up again. People usually have to reread parts of the book again before remembering where they left. This can result into the person not being motivated enough to continue reading and feeling like they'd rather do something else.
Books are hard to pick up

With the results of the different forms of research, a persona and a ‘day in the life’ of a user have been made. All the important information has been turned into insight cards. These insights have been used to set up design guidelines for concepting.
Design guidelines
After thinking about what our target audience needed, we took a closer look at the strengths of our 3 concepts. We decided to take these strengths and combine them into one concept.
Using the guidelines, we came up with 3 different concepts that each tackle the challenge in a different way.
Concept 1
A reading and listening app which encourages teens to read by implementing gamification elements. Users can earn points by reading and earning achievements and spend these points on customizing their profile.
Concept 2
An app for reading short stories and bite-sized excerpts. Users can specify the length of the stories and the subjects they are interested in. The app will notify users for however often the user wants for new stories and excerpts that they can read.
Concept 3
An improved version of the library app which includes a design overhaul and new features. This concept focuses on connecting users by adding social elements like multiplayer reading and split-books which lets users read personalized books.
The following design guidelines are the most important ones:
The concept needs to be as
accessible as possible
Encourage reading
The concept needs to encourage
teens to read
Reading attitude
The concept needs to contribute to
building a positive reading attitude
The concept needs to be engaging
to make reading more fun
Reading environment
The concept needs to help create
a positieve reading environment

One of many things about reading a digital book is that people can do it where- and whenever they like. This made us think about the accessibility of the app and how to make this the best experience possible. This is why the flip feature has been introduced. The flip is fairly simple: it turns a reading experience into a listening experience and back at the push of a button. This way the user can go about their day and easily continue their favorite book on the go.
One of many useful things about reading a digital book is that people can do it where- and whenever they like. This made us think about the accessibility of the app and how to make this the best experience possible. This is why the flip feature has been introduced. The flip is fairly simple: it turns a reading experience into a listening experience and back at the push of a button. This way the user can go about their day and easily continue their favorite book on the go.
Poppins Bold
Poppins SemiBold
Poppins Medium
Poppins Regular

Prototype V2
Social interactions with other people can play a big role in building a positive reading attitude and motivating teens to read.
Social interactions

Teenagers consume media differently now thanks to the large quantity of bite-sized information that they see thanks to social media.
Changing media consumption

Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Credits illustrations: Maria Shukshina
A special thanks to:
Bruce Moerdjiman, Ted van der Togt, Eran Sloof and the employees of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek